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Treatments we offer…

Back Massage
Pressure point massage 2




An adjustment is a series of gentle manipulations to your joints that stimulate the central nervous system in order to restore proper function to the body.  You may hear “cracks” or “pops” during the adjustment; this is not your bones cracking but rather gas being released when the joints gap or separate. This therapy restores proper movement function of the joints by way of sensory/motor signaling to and from the brain relieving pressure off of the nerves and improving nerve conduction to the entire body.  Other benefits include: Boosting immune function, reduction of inflammation, blood pressure, and stress, improvement of balance, helps reduce allergy and asthma symptoms.


Safely and effectively corrects the imbalance of localized tissues that cause dysfunction and pain.  



Includes trigger point therapy, passive and resistive lengthening to shortened musculature, tissue activation through customized strengthening exercises for under-activated musculature, functional and kinetic treatment with specialized tools to relax overactive muscles, break up scar tissue, promote blood circulation, and to increase lymphatic drainage.



Kinesio tape can be applied in numerous ways and has the ability to re-educate the neuromuscular system, normalize muscle tone, provide sensory/motor feedback to the brain, upgrade sensory perception, foster proper movement, reduce pain and inflammation, optimize performance, promote good circulation and healing, and help the body accelerate recovery.


Ergonomic training is used to teach proper biomechanics in the work place and at home to protect the body from physical stress.  This training has been proven to reduce healthcare costs, improve productivity and quality of daily activities, prevents fatigue, lessens the chance of injury, and can improve concentration.  Improper ergonomics have been linked to cumulative trauma disorders, repetitive strain injuries, and musculoskeletal disorders.



This piece of the puzzle is essential for long term correction because it helps train our bodies in our everyday movements at home, work, or play.  Rehabbing a single muscle group is the first step in this process but what happens when these muscle groups begin to communicate with other muscle groups to perform complex, multi-directional movements?  This type of rehab works to connect the body’s musculature in order for the whole kinetic chain to work together in unison to create stability, strength, coordination, balance, injury prevention, and ease of movement.



An electrical stimulation (stim) machine delivers low-level electrical current to the body through electrodes attached to specialized pads that are placed on injured areas to block pain, reduce swelling, accelerate healing, re-educate and stimulate inactive muscle groups through a comfortable electrical current.

Once we have proper nerve conduction, it is important that our brain and muscles are communicating effectively with each other.  Much of this communication is done subconsciously and in order to maintain our health on a subconscious level, there are conscious practices that we can put into effect for long term success.



Through injuries, disease, pain, stress, and surgeries our bodies adapt by changing the way we walk and move; many times this happens without our knowledge.  Over time, this incorrect walking can wear out joints by placing continual uneven stress to our pelvis, hips, knees, ankles and feet which can lead to a host of degenerative changes in the body.  To achieve a normal or functional gait pattern, an individual must have three major attributes: an adequate range of joint mobility; appropriate timing of muscle activation across the gait cycle (time between the first contact with the ground by the heel of the one foot and the next heel-ground contact with the same foot); and unimpaired sensory input from the visual, somatosensory, and vestibular systems. This focus stabilizes and retrains the joints, muscles and connective tissue in the pelvis, hips, knees, ankles and feet to function together for optimal movement to prevent damage and to increase more efficient locomotion.


We all breathe 14,000 to 20,000 times a day but never correlate it to pain, weakness, or other dysfunctions.  The diaphragm is a well-documented source of muscular stabilization and through physical, environmental, and chemical stress we begin to over-activate our sympathetic nervous system (fight/flight) which is part of the autonomic nervous system. Over-activation of this over time can train the brain to continue these incorrect breathing patterns which utilizes accessory muscles instead of our diaphragm.  Long term physical stabilization depends on proper respiration habits. These dysfunctional patterns can lead to tight/sore muscles, increased hormone production/release, anxiety syndromes, shortness of breath, postural weakness, dizziness, energy deprivation and/or motor control alterations.



Proprioception refers to the body's ability to sense movement within joints and joint position. This ability enables us to know where our limbs are in space without having to look. The proprioceptive system is made up of receptor nerves that are positioned in the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments around joints. The receptors can sense tension and stretch and pass this information to the brain where it is processed. The brain then responds by signaling muscles to contract or to relax in order to produce the desired movement.  Once a muscle, ligament or joint is damaged there will be a deficit in the proprioceptive ability of the individual. Without correction, this can lead a patient prone to re-injury, decreased coordination in their movements essentially placing them at a higher risk of falls. Proprioceptive training also speeds recovery and helps to “re-wire” the brain in multi-directional movement patterns.



One of the most important attributes that we hold in our lives is freedom.  Freedom from pain, disease, stress, worry, economical insecurities and the like.  From our attitude to our diet, the way we view the world can have a devastating effect on our bodies physically.  You could fill a library with research and literature on the mind/body connection and our physical bodies are a reflection of the way we think, the attitudes we hold, and what we put into our bodies.   Many times, it is exactly these attitudes that hold us back from our true potential and life goals. There are aspects of ourselves that we’d like to change but don’t even know how to begin. Much like correcting physical pain, we must find the source to what is holding us back; this involves willingness, honesty, and open-mindedness to change so that we can become better people than we were yesterday.  There are systematic ways that we can begin these changes and we can help with our proven methods.

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